Heath Care
The Australian public health care system, an institution that Australians take for granted
and have enjoy for many years. However, this life giving service is under
threat. Three indicators, Health Care costs as a % of GDP, Medical Care
Inflation index (MCI) and average premiums of health insurance illustrate the severity
of the problem.
Source: Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, Jesse Colombo |
The MCI and average premiums of health insurance are statistics show that health care costs are growing at an unsustainable rate. Soon the availability of health care will only be to a select few how can afford it.
The MCI and average premiums of health insurance are
statistics from America; however Australia does have a tendency to follow in
its footsteps. The Australian statistic, Health Care Costs show a 100% increase
in over a 30 year time frame illustrating we are going down the same path.
The consequences are an increase in percentage of people who cannot afford private health cover.
Government Agenda
New technologies have come online that have the potential to
minimise the Burden on the Government. Through the national implementation of
the Nano-chip it has been advised that the burden will be all but eliminated and
the potential for medical research capabilities that have not been seen to
date. Therefore the government has made it a top priority to ensure the population accepts this new technology. Public health care is now conditional, to be eligible an individual needs to have adopted the Nano-chip.
Information and Research Capabilities
Nano-chip ability to integrate and de-fragmentation of Medical information, centralise information security and storage and real time medical data collection. Approved researchers will have access to complete real time data minimising costs, time, effectiveness and success rate of research projects. Centralise information security and management will increases national medical response rates to new diseases and medical problems. This improved information can be used to improve the medical service to the public.
Heath Care Outcomes
The Nano-chip, this device will provide – proactive, predictive, personalised, preventative, participatory health care. This will lead to individual investment into good health and minimise costs of poor health. Nano-chip will mobile real time health care assessments, recommendations and treatments and life style advices to minimising health care on lifestyle and day to day activities.
The potential for "pro" & "anti" technology groups to emerge is high. This could create a class based society of "haves" & "have nots". The dynamic of these two groups is unpredictable and the roles that they will play within society unknown.
Commercial Response
The motive for the Nano-chip to be adopted nationally is a political attempt to reduce the burden of the health care system on the government. All changes create risks and opportunities, an no group is better at taking advantages of opportunities as commercial enterprise.