Saturday, 4 August 2012

Nano-chip technology

Nano-chip technology, has only just been born, however the implications have already been felt.

Governments are encouraging citizens to adopt this new technology to eliminate the need for printed currency, physical ID cards (driver’s licences and bank cards). Nano-chip with eliminate the need for approximately half of the debilitated health-care system and all of the failing education system, the  infrastructure and support industries for these two sectors will be downsized accordingly. Altogether this will create huge savings for the already over taxed government budget.

1 comment:

  1. posters needed to illustrate political and social environment


    1)Government poster advertising the benefits of the Nano-chip, such as continuous heath monitoring and advice on life-style and diet to maintain optimum health and administer medication before symptom occur

    2)Government poster for Nano-chip Education Assimilation Revolution (NEAR) - no need to go to school

    3)Government poster advertising the benefits of the Nano-chip, such as interactive architectural environment due to the Nano-chips ID and communication functionality

    4) Corporate poster for the nutritional software for the Nano-chip, including live updates on health stats, and recommendations for maximum health

    5) Corporate poster for the hallucination software for the Nano-chip, for health and medical application.
